Friday, August 20, 2010

Humanity and the 6th Great Extinction

According to top level biologists we are now well within the parameters of the next great extinction level event. The old questions as to how we have arrived at this critical point no longer seems to matter when faced with the truths of our inability to live in a whole and balanced ecosystem filled with the biodiversity this planet could be hosting with our current levels of untapped and unused technologies.

Looking to the past for answers can help us understand the fragility and resilience of our planet, and yet if man continues down this same path there will no other hope than for a small percentage to survive.

Interestingly the very same few of the earths hierarchy will be the very same to survive while the poets, dancers, artists, musicians, meditators, and great thinkers of higher evolutionary intelligence will perish.

The weak will then truly inherit the earth.

The most famous of all extinction level events is probably the

Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event, which occurred 65 million years ago, and ended the era of dinosaurs and opened the land to birds and smaller reptiles, eventually allowing for man to evolve.

No matter how you look at it, every extinction level event whether major or minor in our known past has had the same earmarks with the slow or sudden death of our oceans and life therin, in turn the plantlife on land and then the dominant species of the time.


  1. "The Sixth Extinction
    Niles Eldredge
    An original article
    »en español
    Can we stop the devastation of our planet and save our own species? We are in a biodiversity crisis — the fastest mass extinction in Earth’s history, largely due to:

    human destruction of ecosystems
    overexploitation of species and natural resources
    human overpopulation
    the spread of agriculture

    Had to post this wonderfully written and researched article, it is such a telling piece and when you consider what we know of the current world challenges and natural disasters, it really helps put into perspective just how this may come down for humanity and 95% of all species.

    We are killing our oceans and they are our first line of defence against any true extinction level events.

    If we could use our technologies for biodivercity and not war, death, pollution, disrespect and greed, the possibility of controling our total enviroment would then be possible.

    Some Scientists believe the only hope for humanity is to 'seed' the solar system with our selves rather than deal witht he mess we would be leaving behind. But again it would only be the very same mentality which uses our beautiful planet as a dumping station that would garner the 'E' tickets to space travel.

  2. Humm, I really need to get better at posting... I have not figured out the edit button either... Sorry, it only gets better (Crosses fingers)

    Lets try that link again:
