Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Multiverse is Changing

In yesteryear or so we have been told, it was possible to live ones life, work and enjoy the simpler pleasures of family, community and friends and reap the rewards of a hard days work and hand down those valuable tools to the next generation through a solid and good set of examples for them to follow.
Meteor showers came and went, earthquakes shook, volcanoes erupted, lightning struck and their fires burned forests, whales became beached, floods ravaged dry areas and droughts happened from time to time.
So when did nature become the object of such scrutiny? It really matters very little which side of the global warming/ mini ice age fence you sit on, because even if man was the sole responsible party for the cosmic devastation we have seen in the past 20 years and will continue to see worldwide, it is happening throughout the entire Universe.

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